Monday, December 2, 2013

Accessible Parking Stall Aisles

The ADA requires a certain number of accessible parking spaces based on the total number of spaces in a parking lot.   At a minimum, there must be one accessible space and it must be a van accessible space with an accessible aisle on the passenger side as shown in the photograph above.   

Many do not understand why an accessible space needs an accessible aisle.   The reasons are simple………..those with disabilities simply need more area to maneuver as many have walking aids such as walkers, canes and more importantly wheel chairs.   One of the biggest reasons for the accessible aisle is because many of the disabled use a specially designed van that has either a hydraulic lift or ramp on the passenger side of the van so they can load/unload directly into the area allowed by the accessible aisle.   Some believe the accessible aisle is too big as it eliminates one standard parking stall; however, if you work out the dimensions of the device used to load/unload a wheel chair, it soon becomes clear why so much space is required.

The photograph on the left is what appears to be an accessible stall, however, as your can see, there is no accessible aisle on either side.   It’s clear that who ever painted this stall had no concept as to the use of the stall.   This stall has no advantage to a person with disabilities.

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